ʔiiḥatisatḥ činax̣int
Ehattesaht Chinehkint
n̓aacsaniš qʷaamiqin, qʷaamaḥsaqin ʔuuʔuukʷači tiič, yaqin ʔiiḥatisʔatḥ, činaxintʔatḥ.
We see how we Ehattesaht-Chinehkints have lived and want to live independently.
n̓aacsayin hiłʔaƛqin ƛaḥ, hiłmaḥsaqin hišumł haʔuk, ʔaniic ƛułʔii haʔum, ƛułʔii č̓aʔak.
We see where we are now, and where we want to be, partaking only of good food and good water together.
ʔiisaakst̓ałin, hupiict̓ał, t̓aaquqḥłi, ḥaaḥuupa, ʕac̓ikšiƛ ciiqciqasa ʔin nanaʔact̓ał may̓iixtukukqin ʔuḥʔiš ƛaaḥaqsakqin.
We respect each other, cooperate, tell the truth, share traditional counsel, and learn our language so that our elders and youth understand each other.
ʔaḥʔaaʔaqƛukʷin masčum katʔukšiƛ, čumqƛ, mamuʕaqƛ, qʷaamaḥsaʔiqʔał čamiḥta tiič.
Then our people will be proud, happy, and eager to work, living well as they choose.
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